Best Horror Hollywood Movies to Watch in April 2020 #2

Best Horror Hollywood Movies to Watch in April 2020 #2

The best genre ever picked by moviemakers, in my opinion, is horror. As our real-world becomes ever more terrifying, filmmakers have stepped up their game to use horror as a way to analyze the nightmare of our off-screen lives. Yes, we are living in the age of horror. Spare your time to watch one of the mentioned movies surely it will give you Goosebumps.
I’m suggesting you 3 best horror movies with their trailers. You can also Hollywood Movies Trailers of the upcoming comedy for free on Tune.

This is a list for my side.

1.      THE WRETCHED (2020)

Initial release: May 1, 2020 (USA)
Directors: Brett Pierce, Drew T. Pierce
Music composed: Devin Burrows
Screenplay: Brett Pierce, Drew T. Pierce
Producers: Ed Polgardy, Chang Tseng
A defiant teenage boy, struggling with his parent’s imminent divorce, faces off with an old witch who has possessed the neighbor next door.
 “Click on Image to watch the Trailer”
2. Brahms: The Boy II (2020)

Initial release: February 19, 2020 (Indonesia)
Director: William Brent Bell
Film series: The Boy
Screenplay: Stacey Menear
Producers: Jim Wedaa, Roy Lee, Gary Lucchesi, Tom Rosenberg, Matt Berenson
Kate Mandell takes a job as a nanny for two young orphans at an isolated Gothic mansion in the Maine countryside. She soon learns that the children — Miles and Flora — are emotionally distant and unstable. When strange events start to plague Kate and the siblings, she begins to suspect that the estate’s dark corridors are home to a malevolent entity.
 “Click on Image to watch the Trailer”

3. The Turning (2020)

Initial release: January 23, 2020 (United Arab Emirates)
Director: Floria Sigismondi
Budget: 14 million USD
Producers: Scott Bernstein, Roy Lee
Screenplay: Carey W. Hayes, Chad Hayes, Jade Bartlett
Kate Mandell takes a job as a nanny for two young orphans at an isolated Gothic mansion in the Maine countryside. She soon learns that the children — Miles and Flora — are emotionally distant and unstable. When strange events start to plague Kate and the siblings, she begins to suspect that the estate’s dark corridors are home to a malevolent entity.
 “Click on Image to watch the Trailer”
Final Words: Sometimes our life is full of horror due to our actions. Don’t be upset by these horror thoughts. Watch one of the above-mentioned movies and think about how hard their lives are. So be happy in your daily life and you can also Hollywood Movies Trailers on Tune. Oh yes, it’s free.


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